
Caesar Salad by Mel

Okay… here is my first recipe entry… most people love it… most people crave it.. most people wonder... what´s in a Caesar salad???? Hhhhmmmmmm... Well… I hope you all enjoy my  version… short, sweet,, simple, and most of all… Yummy for your Tummy!!!


Welcome Everyone and Cheers To My First Blog

Well.. I am a small town girl from Texas, living in Spain.. Yup… I said it.. Spain! What a wonderful country for learning about different cultures.. and most of all… FOOD!!!!! I love introducing american dishes to some of my friends here… it´s wonderful and learning how to make spanish dishes is also great! I guess you can say that my inspiration for food comes from my family. I began cooking at such a small age… around 6 years old, my dad showed me how to cook an egg…lol…. it´s funny how the little things in life makes a big difference in your future…. Well… I just wanted to welcome you all to my blog site and I hope you all enjoy some of my recipes that I kept sacred for soo long… Good luck and Cheers!
