
Mel´s Halloween Special: Ghostly Meringue Cookies

Halloween is near and we tend to prepare for our festive holiday by scrounging for recipes. Here is one that can be used as a cupcake topper, or as a foam for your hot chocolate drinks, or just by itself. Surprise your friends or trick or treaters with these delightful cookies!


  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • 1 tsp of vanilla
  • 3/4 cup of sugar
  • 1 tsp of lemon juice
  • some chocolate chips for the eyes

Make sure your oven is preheated to 300º F or 150º C. Blend your egg whites, salt, lemon juice, and vanilla until it becomes hard and foamy. Gradually add the sugar until it becomes a marshmallowy consistency. Bake for 25 minutes and allow to cool for 20 minutes. Then serve.


Chocolate Muffins

Here´s a great recipe for making soft, spongy, and tasteful chocolate muffins. This recipe was inspired by my sister who is a muffin fan and loves chocolate muffins, any day!

To prepare, you will need:

  • Half cup of butter (melted)
  • 1 and 1/2  cups of flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup of cocoa powder (unsweetened)
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon of almond extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 individual pack of baking powder
  • 3/4 cups of already brewed coffee

Mix all your ingredients together while preheating your oven to 375º F (or 175º C) and make sure you have your muffin pan all greased up before pouring the batter into the muffin shell. Bake for about 45 minutes. Allow to cool for 20 minutes after its done and then serve.

Hope this recipe helps tame your chocolate crave!



Khoresht Karafs

This recipe was inspired by my Persian friends back home in California. I love this recipe.  It is one of my favorite persian dishes. I used to be part of the Persian community and was fortunate to learn about their food and culture…. most of all, dance! I hope everyone enjoys my video.. I added a little something extra… Cheers!



Peachy Greek Frozen Concoction

DSC_0055-2One hot summer day, I decided that I really needed something fresh, sweet, and creamy; due to my diet issue, I did not have anything sweet in my kitchen! I snooped around for a bit and then … Whammo! I had all the makings of yogurt ice cream just staring at me in the fridge! Once I put all the ingredients together and froze this cool, creamy concoction, my honey and I enjoyed it! It was truelly dreamy!

Makes 4-6 scoops

-2 c. Plain Greek Yogurt

-1/2 c. Evaporated milk

-1/2 c. Sugar

-4 Tbsp. Peach Marmalade

-2 Tbsp. Lemon Juice

Blend all the ingredients together in a food processor or blender. pour into a freezer safe container and freeze for about 4-6 hours before serving.



Malt Chocolate Liquor

My new recipe is a delicious malt chocolate liquor. I dressed for this video like a silent movie star. For all you chocolate lovers… Cheers to a fantastic drink that I hope you will all enjoy!

If you want to watch this video in spanish: Batido de Licor de Café con Cacao


Mel´s In Your Mouth Banana Pancakes

Pancakes…. it´s what´s for breakfast… Well in my video, I will demostrate how to make homemade banana pancakes… as a child, I used to look forward to Saturday mornings cuz I knew daddy was going to make his famous banana pancakes. In my recipe, I have altered and gave it a bit of a twist.. NUTS! Good luck and I hope you all enjoy my video!


Caesar Salad by Mel

Okay… here is my first recipe entry… most people love it… most people crave it.. most people wonder... what´s in a Caesar salad???? Hhhhmmmmmm... Well… I hope you all enjoy my  version… short, sweet,, simple, and most of all… Yummy for your Tummy!!!


Welcome Everyone and Cheers To My First Blog

Well.. I am a small town girl from Texas, living in Spain.. Yup… I said it.. Spain! What a wonderful country for learning about different cultures.. and most of all… FOOD!!!!! I love introducing american dishes to some of my friends here… it´s wonderful and learning how to make spanish dishes is also great! I guess you can say that my inspiration for food comes from my family. I began cooking at such a small age… around 6 years old, my dad showed me how to cook an egg…lol…. it´s funny how the little things in life makes a big difference in your future…. Well… I just wanted to welcome you all to my blog site and I hope you all enjoy some of my recipes that I kept sacred for soo long… Good luck and Cheers!
