
Halloween 2014 - The Attack of the Dead Crepeulas

Hi everybody.. This is Melvyra here.Today, I will show you all how to make my spookylicious crepeulas
What you will need:

  •  3 bananas
  •  Coco powder
  •  Flour
  • Baking powder
  • 1 egg
  • Vanilla
  • Ice water
  • Butter
  • Chocolate chips/ whip cream in a can/ red apple widge (decoration)

How to make them:

Mix about 1⁄2 cup of cocoa powder, 1 cup of flour, 1 tsp of baking powder.
Once this is all mixed together, add the egg, 1 TBsp melted butter, 1 TBsp
of vanilla, 1⁄4 of iced water or until your desired consistancy.

In a hot flat pan, pour about a ladle spoon full onto the buttered pan
for a few seconds, then flip it over. Set it aside flat on a plate until
cools, make 2 more. Then assemble the bananas to look like legs and
the body. Add the whipped cream as the ruffled top and chocolate chip
buttons, and red appled widge colar before folding the crepe, oooppsss..
I meant cape. And voila!!!! Count Crepula is ALIVE!!!!!

I hope you all enjoyed my version of crepes. Cheers!